Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Meet the War Doctors Saving Our Soldiers' Lives

A new documentary film puts a face—and a price—on battlefield medicine
by Sally Chew

The original inspiration for the new documentary Fighting for Life was a pre-Iraq War threat in Congress to shut down the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Md., which has trained one of every four current active-duty military physicians. It’s hard to imagine lawmakers will try that again anytime soon, considering the tens of thousands of Iraq vets who will likely need physical and/or psychological care for decades to come, but director Terry Sanders won’t rest easy. He wants those of us caught up in our own health issues or waiting for the next installment of House to appreciate the brutality and the accomplishments of modern military medicine while getting to know a few of these docs, along with their shrapnel-pocked charges.

Among the latest high-tech advances in battlefield care is the ability to move patients neatly and quickly in mobile hospitals (aka airplanes): Continue reading »

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