Thursday, January 18, 2007

Constipation and Bowel Movements

By: Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, Ph.D, DACBN

Have You Had Your Bowel Movement Today?
Many people are under the impression they need to have only one bowel movement a week or fewer. Bowel disease, constipation, colon cancer, and stomach pain are all disorders that are leading to what I call the "Silent Killer in America". Colon health and colon problems are the most over-looked health problems in today's society.

Due to the poor diet in America, 200 million people suffer from constipation and do not have the required two to four bowel movements daily. The average person, by the time they are 30 years old, in America, has between 10 to 15 pounds of hard compacted fecal matter in their bowel.

The intestinal tract is composed of the small intestine which is attached to the lower part of the stomach then moves into the large intestine and finally the colon. Whatever you eat has to be properly digested and then move its way through a long, approximately 35 feet in length, intestinal lining to finally exit the rectum. So don't you think the most important area to keep clean in your body would be that 35 feet of food processing wasteland?

Constipation and Bowel Movements
It's important to understand how the digestive track breaks down food into smaller particles and then ultimately into the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need to survive. As we age, we develop a thick coating along the sides of the intestinal walls as hard as wood and even harder to eradicate.

When this coating adheres to the walls of your intestinal lining and your food tries to move through, it's difficult for your body to absorb the proper amount of nutrients.

These nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream so the blood can carry them to all the organs and tissues in your body. This is why it is essential to not only clean the colon but to purify and keep the whole intestinal lining clean at all times and free from any plaque or debris. You must have a minimum of one bowel movement a day but we recommend having two a day.

After years of research and studying bowel habits, especially constipation and bowel movements in general, we discovered keeping the bowel clean will not only reduce or prevent most types of disease but will also eliminate chronic bloating, symptoms of fatigue, headaches, nausea and a whole list of other symptoms. We recommend and use a product called Oxy-Powder® that will focus on cleansing and keeping clean your whole intestinal tract.

By using Oxy-Powder® every other evening you can ensure that you will have regular bowel movements and keep your intestinal lining clean and functioning properly. You must have regular bowel movements to prevent toxic chemicals from leaking through the walls of the intestinal tract into the blood. I also recommend drinking at least 64 ounces of purified water daily to help the intestinal tract move the toxic residue out of the body.

Constipation and bowel movements irregularity is a sneaky, undiagnosed, disabling epidemic that is sweeping America as we speak. Perhaps all of this doesn't surprise you.

Let's take a look at the following categories of disease and disorders that can be related either directly or indirectly to the colon and constipation: heart disease, high blood pressure, fatigue, irritability, varicose veins, gas, heart burn, bloating, obesity, diabetes, arthritis and more.

Some of these side effects or symptoms are a hundred times worse than the constipation itself. So if your doctor is treating you with traditional drugs or surgery he is most likely covering up your symptoms and possibly making your condition worse.

I recommend the following to ensure a healthy clean colon, easily and naturally without any drugs, surgery or toxic side effects: colon hydrotheraphy, a good diet, lots of live foods, a lot of pure water, the product Oxy-Powder® and exercise.

Constipation and bowel movements have a contradictory relationship--to have the latter on a regular basis the former condition must be eliminated (no pun intended). With a little diligence and common sense, you too can enjoy the benefits of a clean, healthily functioning digestive system!

more info at: oxypowder

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