Saturday, January 28, 2012

Vitamin overuse tied to men's cancer risk

1: Vitamin overuse tied to men's cancer risk Effect is seen in aggressive forms By Julie Steenhuysen, Reuters | May 16, 2007

CHICAGO -- Men who pop too many vitamins in the hope of improving their health may in fact be raising their risk of the deadliest forms of prostate cancer, especially men with a family history of the disease, researchers said yesterday.
Researchers at the National Cancer Institute found that men who exceeded the recommended dose -- taking more than seven multivitamins a week -- increased the risk of advanced cancer by about 30 percent.
The researchers followed 295,344 men over five years to see if there was a link between multivitamin use and prostate cancer.
"We didn't see any relationship with overall prostate cancer," said Dr. Michael Leitzmann, a National Cancer Institute investigator who worked on the study. He said the increased risk from overuse of multivitamins was linked to more aggressive cancer that has spread beyond the prostate gland or cancer that proved fatal. Read more...

Ayurstate for Prostate Care

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