Saturday, April 08, 2006

More Proof Obesity and Alzheimer's Are Connected

Earlier this year, I told you about the strong correlation between a larger body mass index and the presence of beta-amyloid, the chemical associated with Alzheimer's disease. Makes sense, in light of new research that connects a patient's obesity in their 40s to a greater risk of Alzheimer's as they get older.

Researchers monitored the health of some 9,000 patients for up to three decades, measuring the thickness of their skin below their shoulder and behind their upper arms. By the numbers:

Patients with the thickest upper arms were 2.5 times more likely to develop Alzheimer's.
Thicker shoulders almost tripled a patient's risk of Alzheimer's.

If you're fighting obesity and need more direction, as well as side-stepping Alzheimer's, you'll want to review this must-read piece that covers a spectrum of safe, natural treatments that will help you win the battle over both.
Yahoo News April 6, 2006
Alzheimer Disease

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